
There are no flowers in Forochel. The only trace of vegetation is at the border with Evendim, the more one travels north through the region, the more snow gives ground to slabs of ice, and eventually, the glacial northern sea. It has been so since time immemorial, due to its proximity to Morgoth’s realm and continued to remain cold into the later ages. Aware of recent rise of the angmarim presence in the region, Lord Elrond sent out scouts to check the situation and find out what Angmar is doing. One of the scouts is this elleth, who travels unbothered by the biting cold winds nor the treacherous ice. She prefers an attire made of leather and scalemail, her only companion a curved sword of exquisite design, a dawn-rose set in the blade. Indeed, the sword has a name: Elor and may it bring ruin to every servant of evil that stands in its path

Well! It’s been literal years since the sword Elor has been made available to players again. I say again because from what I know it used to be a reward from some raid back in vanilla lotro, but anyway, this greatsword is very elfy looking, and I felt that for an old sword, an old outfit would be the best match, specifically, gear that belongs to the old days like the cloak, leggings and chestpiece, which has those two undyeable pink stripes and what do you know, shire plum (aka hot pink) was the exact shade that tied the chestpiece and the rest of the outfit together!

head: Rune-maker’s Hat lvl 65 version, shire plum dye, Rune-keeper Trainer at Ost Galadh

shoulders: Light Nadhin’s shoulders, shire plum dye, barter from Dol Amroth quartermaster (light armour)

chest: Breastplate of Voima, shire peach dye, reward from  Vol. I, Book 13, Chapter 4

hands: Gauntlets of the Lady’s Courage, barter in Caras Galadhon, captain Dar Narbugud set

legs: Golumbadanir, shire peach dye, reward from the quest Dark Vengeance in Angmar

feet: Boots of the Lady’s Courage, shire peach dye, barter in Caras Galadhon, captain Dar Narbugud set

back: Light cloak, random world drop or Auction

sword: Elor, barter from the Curator for figments of splendour

Corsair Captain

the Corsairs of Umbar always had an infamous reputation in Gondor, for they stemmed from the Kin-Strife: the defeated rebels of Castamir the usurper fled Gondor to Umbar and thus Umbar became the sworn enemy of Gondor, also a safe haven for other enemies of the kingdom. Ever since they claimed South Gondor as their territory, forming an alliance with the Haradrim and founding the City of Umbar on the homonimous Cape as stronghold. Their fleet is mighty and feared from north to southern coasts and often they engage in naval battles with Gondor. The man we see here is one such captain of the mighty fleet, dressed in golden armour befitting his title, with the distinct style that makes him stand out yes, but the plates and hard leather keep him well protected against swords and arrows. Woe be to the foolish vessels that stand in his way, for he is quick to put them to the torch, and have a drink of wine when the battle’s over… and he’s victorious

I really like the gear we got for Umbar, be it crafted or from instances. It is well designed, pairs well with many other cosmetics and it has this metallic sheen that is not present in the older cosmetics. Well… sometimes the sheen is too much but hey, I’m all for novelties! While over the years the rate I’ve been publishing outfits has reduced a lot (I think it is perfectly normal after 10+ years) little gems like this one manage to take me out of hibernation and get a post done… even better when I can attack a lore snippet to the outfits which I love to do

shoulders: Pristine resolute Delver’s Pauldrons, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

chest: Umbari Warrior’s rusted hauberk, drop from Umbar instances

hands: Pristine resolute Delver’s Gauntlets, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

feet: Pristine resolute Delver’s Sabatons, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

back: Cloak of Elessar’s might, reward from Umbar epic quests

Lion tamer of Umbar (beta outfit)

In the Savannah of Aradar in the Cape of Umbar, wildlife is busy in the every day struggle of survival, from lizards and worms to buffaloes and the largest of crocodiles; life in the savannah is a harsh business. But one of these wild beasts rules over all: the fierce lions, Kings and Queens indiscussed, against them all cower in fear. But not this man. He is a lion tamer, dedicated to taming this fierce foes, mainly as aide in the war. Clad in a light armoured getup that recalls the giant feline’s mane, he knows carefulness is never enough in the presence of the lions

Finally, the beta test for the Umbar instances started and with it we get brand new gear with new looks, what stands out the most here is that the raid footwear for light classes… are sandals! Yes, after 17 years we finally get a pair of sandals. Talk about novelty! It does fit with the geographical region, imagine walking on sand wearing metal plated sabatons… ugh. Also the purple gem in the belt has a nice metallic sheen when viewed in real time movement. Overall, very nice sets. I wish the loremaster class could have a big lion pet but… for now we have to make do with the little lion cub XD

head: Umbari explorer’s band, instance drop

shoulders: Umbari cops of the Sudden Squall, orange dye, raid loremaster gear

chest: Umbari coat of Hidden Blades, orange dye, champion raid gear

hands: Umbari gloves of the Sudden Squall, raid loremaster gear

feet: Umbari shoes of the Sudden Squall, orange dye, raid loremaster gear

back: Trader’s travelling cloak, orange dye, instance drop

sword; Raundume, gold raid drop


A! Elbereth Gilthoniel!
silivren penna míriel
o menel aglar elenath!

The elven hymn to Elbereth holds a special place in the hearts of all elves in Arda. It is a tribute that resonates within the core essence of elven culture, as they honour and hold in deep reverence the faint beauty of starlight above all else. Some elves are known to be so enamoured by it to be able to stay awake long nights without sleep, gazing at the firmament, they are called stargazers and chart each star, find figures, patterns in the way Elbereth hang them in the sky eons ago, and seek to replicate such patterns not only for scholarly pursuits but also personal pleasure such as clothes and jewellery, as seen in this ellon’s attire, where a skillful silver embroidery depicts a whole portion of the sky

I always wanted to do an outfit for this beautiful cloak, but because only the trim takes dye, and the blue is of a different shade than what we can replicate with the blue dyes we have, I’ve been frustrated so many times to not get the right blue match with other cosmetics. Fortunately, the nnew Harmonious robe, while still not matching 100% has a sheen that makes it look good with the cloak and the Celeborn shoulders miraculously tied it together

head: Celeborn’s circlet, reward for completing the raid quest: Enter the Remmorchant

shoulders: Celeborn’s pauldrons, reward for completing the raid quest: Enter the Remmorchant

chest: Harmonious robe, figments of splendor barter from Rowan Raspberry

hands: Celeborn’s gloves, reward for completing the raid quest: Enter the Remmorchant

feet: Celeborn’s shoes, reward for completing the raid quest: Enter the Remmorchant

back: Sage’s Cloak of the Undarkened Sky, Throne of the Dread Terror t2, 1 token drop per run

Anfalas fisherman

Anfalas, or Langstrand, is a coastal region of Gondor between the rivers Lefnui and Morthond, south of Pinnath Gelin. Mostly covered by dry grass and rocky terrain, its strenght lies in its coasts, and it is here that the best mariners and fishermen in the realm are found. The people of Anfalas are simpler folks than the rest of Gondor, hunters, herdsmen and fishermen yet they mantain the sense of refinment of the rest of their countrymen. This fisherman from a small village near Dol Amroth is dressed in light clothing to be comfortable under the hot sun, the cut of the tunic practical, in neutral colors where the fancy cloak and scarf contrast the simplicity. But all is tied by the same color blue as the sea. Because who says one can’t be stylish even while fishing?

Ah, boy. Umbar expansion is finally here, and as someone who loves the unexplored parts of Middle Earth more than the famous parts, I have been waiting for this for years. No kidding. The landscape team has gone above and beyond with painting an idyllic picture with the Shield Isles and Umbar Baharbel, it really feels to be in the mediterranean area irl. And the cosmetics! The new cosmetics reflect the change as well, they’re beautiful and while I wanted to wait making outfits (so many chars to level!) I had to post something for this tunic, which is my favorite so far. Hope you are enjoying Umbar too!

head: Mariner’s wrap, belegaer blue, mariner class starter armour

shoulders: Medium Nadhin shoulders, belegaer dye, Dol Amroth barter, drop or pvp share the looks

chest: Stitched robe, belegaer blue dye, Umbar quest reward and epic quest reward

boots: Well-preserved leather boots, belegaer blue dye, Umbar quest reward and epic quest reward

cloak: Ice flower cloak, blegaer blue dye, yule festival reward