Corsair Captain

the Corsairs of Umbar always had an infamous reputation in Gondor, for they stemmed from the Kin-Strife: the defeated rebels of Castamir the usurper fled Gondor to Umbar and thus Umbar became the sworn enemy of Gondor, also a safe haven for other enemies of the kingdom. Ever since they claimed South Gondor as their territory, forming an alliance with the Haradrim and founding the City of Umbar on the homonimous Cape as stronghold. Their fleet is mighty and feared from north to southern coasts and often they engage in naval battles with Gondor. The man we see here is one such captain of the mighty fleet, dressed in golden armour befitting his title, with the distinct style that makes him stand out yes, but the plates and hard leather keep him well protected against swords and arrows. Woe be to the foolish vessels that stand in his way, for he is quick to put them to the torch, and have a drink of wine when the battle’s over… and he’s victorious

I really like the gear we got for Umbar, be it crafted or from instances. It is well designed, pairs well with many other cosmetics and it has this metallic sheen that is not present in the older cosmetics. Well… sometimes the sheen is too much but hey, I’m all for novelties! While over the years the rate I’ve been publishing outfits has reduced a lot (I think it is perfectly normal after 10+ years) little gems like this one manage to take me out of hibernation and get a post done… even better when I can attack a lore snippet to the outfits which I love to do

shoulders: Pristine resolute Delver’s Pauldrons, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

chest: Umbari Warrior’s rusted hauberk, drop from Umbar instances

hands: Pristine resolute Delver’s Gauntlets, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

feet: Pristine resolute Delver’s Sabatons, heavy armour barter from Delvings quartermaster

back: Cloak of Elessar’s might, reward from Umbar epic quests

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