Anfalas fisherman

Anfalas, or Langstrand, is a coastal region of Gondor between the rivers Lefnui and Morthond, south of Pinnath Gelin. Mostly covered by dry grass and rocky terrain, its strenght lies in its coasts, and it is here that the best mariners and fishermen in the realm are found. The people of Anfalas are simpler folks than the rest of Gondor, hunters, herdsmen and fishermen yet they mantain the sense of refinment of the rest of their countrymen. This fisherman from a small village near Dol Amroth is dressed in light clothing to be comfortable under the hot sun, the cut of the tunic practical, in neutral colors where the fancy cloak and scarf contrast the simplicity. But all is tied by the same color blue as the sea. Because who says one can’t be stylish even while fishing?

Ah, boy. Umbar expansion is finally here, and as someone who loves the unexplored parts of Middle Earth more than the famous parts, I have been waiting for this for years. No kidding. The landscape team has gone above and beyond with painting an idyllic picture with the Shield Isles and Umbar Baharbel, it really feels to be in the mediterranean area irl. And the cosmetics! The new cosmetics reflect the change as well, they’re beautiful and while I wanted to wait making outfits (so many chars to level!) I had to post something for this tunic, which is my favorite so far. Hope you are enjoying Umbar too!

head: Mariner’s wrap, belegaer blue, mariner class starter armour

shoulders: Medium Nadhin shoulders, belegaer dye, Dol Amroth barter, drop or pvp share the looks

chest: Stitched robe, belegaer blue dye, Umbar quest reward and epic quest reward

boots: Well-preserved leather boots, belegaer blue dye, Umbar quest reward and epic quest reward

cloak: Ice flower cloak, blegaer blue dye, yule festival reward

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