Wandering around servers!

This weekend I ventured in the lands of Crickhollow server as I was invited to attend the Winter Carnival fashion show hosted by Rosalie and the kinship Second Breakfast! Starry of The Starry Mantle and myself were invited to judge the competition, it was really nice to see all the outfits that the contestants made for the event!

wintercarnivalphotoReady for the show! Starry (the cute hobbit lass) and myself (the elf in navy)

The event started with music provided by the band “Second Breakfast” and then it moved to the first category of the contest, Classiest Ballroom outfit. The music band played a lot of wonderful tunes as the contestants showed their attire on the stage at Frerin’t Court for three categories, Classiest Ballroom, Winter Attire, and Wildest Holiday Partier, and the audience also took part in a theatre play and a drunken race in which players had to run the whole path backwards! πŸ™‚ The atmosphere was cheerful and the people of Crickhollow very friendly, Rosalie and the Second Breakfast kin organised a great event, and it was great to be a part of it, /cheers!!! πŸ˜€

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