Jangovar Warlord

The Jangovar are a tribe of Easterlings from northern Rhûn. They recently moved west from their homes and have beset the peaceful Dale-Lands as ordered by their master, none other than Sauron himself. They established themselves in some ruins not far from the city of Dale and in the city of Utterby in the Iron Hills, all the while harassing a group of Rhunendin refugees known as Chayasir, kidnapping their elder and destroying their camp. Among them is a feared war lord, dressed to impose a striking figure and deadly with an array of weapons, from the spear to the shield and a javelin. The bright colors of his robe serve as a beacon of inspiration for his soldiers, and a warning for his foes. if you see him on the battlefield, you better prepare yourself to fight till your last breath

I was hopeful for the horse archer cosmetics to be a little more… exotic looking given where we will be going next, and that the Jerboa pet is being marketed with the new items, but oh well. Aside the shirt, I do like the other parts and chose to use the boots for this easterling themed outfit. Plus, the Cardolan cloak from the reward track works well with many designs having a simple design. I can’t wait to dive into more exotic outfits as time goes on, and to use brand new locations as my backdrops. Until then, I make do with what I have 😛

head: Circlet of the Seven Stars, lotro store

shoulders: Shoulders of the Wall Warden, turquoise dye, classic vendor at skirmish camp

chest: Jacket of the Erebor Thunder-caller, turquoise dye, light armour vendor at the skirmish camp (Erebor rk set)

hands: Gloves of the Erebor Thunder-caller, turquoise dye, light armour vendor at the skirmish camp (Erebor rk set)

feet: Horse Archer’s boots, turquoise dye, barter for figments of splendour, Filbert Fig vendor

back: Cloak of Cardolan, turquoise dye, reward track

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