Dragon scourge of Ered Mithrin

Ered Mithrin is a large mountain range to the north of Rhovanion. Once the ancestral home of the dwarves, it is now just a shadow of the past, razed by orcs and dragons both. Dragons especially posed a great calamity to the region, and even now their spawn, drakes and worms infest the ruins of dwarven strongholds. Mighty above all were Scatha, whose imagery can be seen in the old dwarven architecture, and Smaug later. Though both are long gone, their foul spawns still hunt the land, and it is duty of Dwarves such as this fellow to cull their numbers. The Scourge of Ered Mithrin he is called, moving from ruin to ruin cleaning them up of the scaly pests. His attire reflects his purpose, armor reinforced with plate decirted with dragon wings, helm shaped as a dragon head reflected on his cloak, and metal greaves ending with dragon’s claws.

Apparently, folks at SSG really like dwarves. After Mordor, I was hopeful we’d get to see Nurn, wich should have been the logical route to take, instead we took a 180% turn and travelled all the way north to Mirkwood, the lands of Dale and Erebor. We got a glimpse of Rhun culture, yet instead of expanding upon it, we headed west to meet more dwarves. After a brief glimpse of Beorning culture, we move again to the westernmost dwarf regions culminating with Gundabad expansion this fall. We have been inundated with dwarf-themed cosmetics, so I thought, high time I’d do something to go with the theme as well. Dragons and dwarves have always, historically been enemies, imagine what slight would be for a dragon (or drake whatever) to see their nemesis wearing armour in their likeness… I love the irony

head: Helm of the Reminiscing Dragon, reward for the Anniversary deed: A journey through Middle-earth

shoulders: Battle Leader’s shoulders, black dye, skirmish camp classis barter

chest: Chestpiece of the Indomitable Protector, black dye, barter from Lugdagnir in Galtrev

hands: Gauntlets of the Indomitable Protector, black dye, barter from Lugdagnir in Galtrev

legs: Leggings of te Spelweaver, black dye, barter from Lugdagnir in Galtrev

feet: Boots of the Reminiscing Dragon, reward for the Anniversary deed: A journey through Middle-earth

back: Cloak of the Reminiscing Dragon, reward for the Anniversary deed: A journey through Middle-earth

2 thoughts on “Dragon scourge of Ered Mithrin

  1. I’m quite tired of the dwarf world theme, really hoping for a new area withour dwarves, but you made a very impressive and fierce dwarven outfit! The head piece is fantastic!

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